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You may have noticed our tribe has grown in November. New to our ranks: Sex, Genes & Evolution, The Curious Wavefunction and Games with Words.

We grew so much in fact that we outgrew feedburner. Subscribers to the combined feed may have noticed the interruption in service. Good news, however, is the issue has been resolved and the combined feed is back up and running.

I'd like to also make a stink over a new way to follow FoS -- via badge.

Lastly, since I don't suppose it is necessarily obvious and I realize it requires an expertise than isn't reasonable to expect, a bit more about Field of Reddit. To begin, it exists in two places:

The ideas behind FoR are:

1. That the so inclined readers of FoS use it as a forum. Regrettably, not enough readers just yet to property test the viability of this implementation. But, there it is nonetheless.

2. To add a little dynamic, crowd sourced content to the front page of FoS.

3. Most of what I do is behind the scenes. Nevertheless, I do cover a lot of ground pretty much daily, and so FoR is a quick and easy way for me to signal, by way of submitting select links, that I'm active and that my kung fu is strong.


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