Editor-at-Large (Publicist/Social Networker/Advocate) - Mention or inclusion of Field of Science has been noticeably lacking from a number of recent meta science blog network discussions. This pattern of omission--in light of the fact that Field of Science predates the vast majority of science blog networks that are the subjects of these discussions--is of concern. The remedy, aside from shaming the various authors into doing better research, is to devote more time and resources to social networking. That is, personally connecting with the science blogging establishment and ensuring though various means (comments, post, tweets, emails, etc.) that Field of Science is mentioned in the same breath as those other science blog networks.
Art Director (Graphic Designer) - I'm a lot of things, but an artist is not one of them. For starters, as part of the ongoing redesign, finally getting around to properly branding FoS is one of the items on my to do list and I'm desperately out of my depth.
Front Page Editor - The "Featured Content" (blog) component of the Field of Science homepage is a great tool for giving the network's best content at little extra face time. There's an art to doing this job well. I'm failing miserably.
I offer these positions up as speculative job titles because Field of Science is first and foremost a collaboration. That means it's up to each individual to define their role and level of participation and commitment. Perhaps you feel like tackling both those editorial positions above, or the issues facing Field of Science you're interested in fixing aren't on my wish list. No matter, it's up to you to devise a role that's worth doing because you do it so well.
I toyed with the idea of presenting this request in terms of a limited number of internships. But for the caliber of people I'm interested in working with that would be both transparent, and not a little insulting to your intelligence. Nevertheless, these are unpaid positions. You'll get a FoS blog, my eternal gratitude as well as that of the FoS Bloggers, but beyond that, it will be entirely up to you to find satisfaction in the work itself, and who knows, perhaps the (learning) experience will pad your resume in all the right places come time to apply for that paying gig.
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