The response thus far to the Census of Science Bloggers (2011) has been rather remarkable, especially when you consider it started on a Friday (never a good day to announce). But it's Monday now, which means it's time for this census worker--a hat I'll be wearing for the rest of August--to get to work. The Challenge: How to circulate the Science Blogger Census to the whole of the science blogosphere in such a way that it doesn't become tedious? Having thought about it, I can't say that I've come up with a perfect solution, but I do have a plan that at least tries to minimize the pain. I would ask you, dear science blogger, to join me as a census worker and collect one census from one science blogger you personally know. You will send them a link to this very post ( where they will find a link to the census form ( and these same instructions requesting that they do as you did--complete the census form and collect ...